Mugen Wadaiko Live (DVD) Mugen Wadaiko Live (DVD)

Mugen Wadaiko Live (DVD)


Three Taiko Player's Band Mugen's DVD

2nd concert dvd of wadaiko performing band, Mugen. Celebrating their 10 years anniversary, they created the best concert themed going back to their origin: wadaiko. Putting their passions into one strike. Playing full out is their wadaiko style.

Length: 70 min
Region: ALL

Mugen Wadaiko Live at Move Machiya

  1. EARTH
  2. Yokouchi - Fue - Mangetsu
  3. Senpuu
  4. Kagaku Hannou
  5. sign
  6. Shitatarimau Ame
  7. Raikiri
  8. Shikon
  9. Dangan wave

Music Video: Kuon

Order Processing Time: About 3-14 Business Days
