RPG (Score, CD)
- ¥2837JPY
- ¥2837JPY
Popular Band Among Young Japanese
It's so popular song that he number of views on You Tube is over a hundred thousand views. It's fun to play by shinobue and should be one of the popular pieces of the stage performances.
There are a lot of repetition in the score. To avoid the complication, the score without repetition symbols is also included. In addition, the score is noted as the original and the player can play this song closer to the original. The score is written in F major (lower 7 flat and higher 7 flat used) for the range of shinobue.
- Popular songs by Japanese band, SEKAI NO OWARI
- Main theme song of the Japanese animation film "Crayon Shinchan"
- Score: Five-line Staff + Numbered Musical Notation
- Karaoke CD: Karaoke sounds by shinobue in different keys: 6 hon choshi (B flat), 7 hon choshi (B), and 8 hon choshi (C)
- Listen Sample
- Order Processing Time: About 7-30 Business Days
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