Shishida Chikkei Tenchimaki Shishida Chikkei Tenchimaki

Shishida Chikkei Tenchimaki


Shinobue For Japanese Festivals

This shinobue is ohayashi (hayashi) type. Ohayashi shinobue is not tuned for the western music and used for festivals. Tenchimaki means that it has binding on the both ends.

Material: Bamboo
Binding: Tou (Rattan)
Number of Finger Holes: 6 or 7
Key: 1 hon choshi (F)
2 hon choshi (G flat)
3 hon choshi (G)
4 hon choshi (A flat)
5 hon choshi (A)
6 hon choshi (B flat)
7 hon choshi (B)
8 hon choshi (C)
9 hon choshi (D flat)
10 hon choshi (D)
11 hon choshi (E flat)
12 hon choshi (E)
Order Processing Time: About 30-90 Business Days