Umi no Matsuri (DVD) Umi no Matsuri (DVD)

Umi no Matsuri (DVD)


Taiko Inspired By Sea Festival

Literally, Umi no Matsuri means a festival of sea. This piece is inspired by a festival called hamaorisai held in Chigasaki city and Samukawa town in Kanagawa Prefecture. It consists of three parts. First part represents a scene that portable shrines leaves shrines of each town at midnight. Second part is a scenethat portable shrines gather at the beach. Third part is a scene that all portable shrines swim into the sea. Festival participants shout DOKKOI SOKKOI.

Genre: Modern Taiko Piece
Difficulty: Beginner
Length: 101 min
Region: Free
Format: NTSC
Audio & Caption: Japanese
Order Processing Time: About 2-7 Business Days