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      News — Closing

      Holiday Closing Notice (May 1st-5th)

      Holiday Closing Notice (May 1st-5th)

      We are closed for the Japanese national holidays from May 1st (SAT) to 5th (WED). 

      We will operate from May 6th. So we can receive the order anytime during the holiday, please place an order as usual (the order will be shipped after May 6th). We apologize you for any inconvenience during this period. 

      Holiday Closing Notice (Dec. 29, 2020 - Jan. 5, 2021)

      Holiday Closing Notice (Dec. 29, 2020 - Jan. 5, 2021)

      We are closed for the New Year's holidays from December 29th (TUE) to January 5th (TUE). 

      We will operate from January 6th 2021. So we can receive the order anytime during the holiday, please place an order as usual (the order will be shipped after January 6th). We apologize you for any inconvenience during this period. 

      Thank you very much for your help in the past year. We wish you will have a great year! 

      Holiday Closing Notice (May 1st-6th) & 5% Off Coupon for First-time Shopper

      Holiday Closing Notice (May 1st-6th) & 5% Off Coupon for First-time Shopper

      We are closed for the Japanese national holidays from May 1st (FRI) to 6th (WED). 

      We will operate from May 7th. So we can receive the order anytime during the holiday, please place an order as usual (the order will be shipped after May 7th). We apologize you for any inconvenience during this period. 

      In addition, we offer 5% off coupon for first-time shopper. For more details, please read a blog article below. 

      5% OFF Coupon for First-time Shopper

      Holiday Closing Notice (Dec. 28, 2019 - Jan. 5, 2020)

      Holiday Closing Notice (Dec. 28, 2019 - Jan. 5, 2020)

      We are closed for the New Year's holidays from December 28th (FRI) to January 5th (SUN). 

      We will operate from January 6th 2020. So we can receive the order anytime during the holiday, please place an order as usual (the order will be shipped after January 6th). We apologize you for any inconvenience during this period. 

      Thank you very much for your help in the past year. We wish you will have a great year! 

      Holiday Closing Notice (August 10- 18)

      We will be closed for the obon holiday from August 10th to 18th. We will operate from August 19th and handle orders which we receive during this period as soon as possible after August 19thWe apologize for your inconvenience during this period.